DIC st's p.53 ex 2:make a film based on the life of Frida Kahlo,she makes her first appearance on screen,they had to do a scene that took all day, do the children's make up for the school show, the storyline didn't make sense, we expect the new film to make money,make a booking for the premiere
and ex 3:amusing -serious
fast-moving - slow
Aς γίνει wb σελ.24 ασκ.2,34,6,7 and p. 25
DIC com.p. 50-51:108(times were very difficult),109,110(it's unfair)+fair, 113(arrest the robbers),114(I was tricked into buying that device),115(holds a flower festival), 116, 118, (she succeeded in her final test)+success, successful,119(the children gather in the park), 120,121(bows and arrows), 123, 124+crowded bus), 125(we cheered when the footballers arrived)
Study p.54,55 and do ex. a,b,c
st's p.47 Grammar ex
No hw for Tuesday!(The hw Mr Jimmy gave is for Thursday)
we have the revision test of vocabulary unit 4(from St's, wb, companion) all the words we've learnt
DIC com.49:67, 69(this coffee is very hot), 70(try this burger)72(a packet of buiscuits), 74(a glass of milk), 75(a glass of juice), 76(a bowl of cereal), 78( a cup of tea), 80(another slice of cheese), ,81, 82(two cans of tomatoes),83,84(a bottle of water)
Στην ταξη καναμε Stars 2 σελ. 53 ασκ F. Ας γίνει στο σπίτι από τους απόντες μαθητές.
γραφουμε τους παρακάτω αριθμους
- 414
- 92ος
- 14, 698
- 367,800
- 18,597,100
THN ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 17/2 στις 5-6 έχουμε το επαναληπτικο τεστ της ενότητας 3.Μελετουμε¨
- companion σελ. 35-41(οχι τις μαυρες λέξεις)
- grammar units 10-12
- numbers
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